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Personal bible study and Family Bible study

 Personal Bible Study

What is Devotional Bible Study?

The Bible isn’t associate finish in itself, but is a means to the end of knowing God and doing His will. The Paul apostle says “Be Diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Tim 2:15). God has given us the Bible in order that we might know him and we might do his will here on Earth.

“Devotional Bible study means reading and studying the word of God in order that we may hear God’s voice and that we may know him to do his will and to live better Christian Life.

“Best way to study Bible, is simply to read daily with prayer and close attention for understanding the Pages, Bible Words, its expression and teaching.

For your devotional reading and study of the Bible, here are several important, practical suggestions:-

1 .Begin your Bible reading with prayer (Ps.119:18; John 16:13, 14, and 15).

2 .Take brief on what you read .keep a small note book for your Bible study.

3 .Read slowly through one chapter, or perhaps two or three chapter, or perhaps just one paragraph at a time. After reading make queries yourself “what passage teaches”? Than write your answer in your notebook. Make sure to ask the following question.

a. What does main subject of this passage teaches?

b. who revealed in this passage ; who is speaking ?about whom etc.!

c. What’s the key verse of this passage?

d. What does the passage teaches about Lord Jesus Christ?

e. Does the passage contain any command to obey?

f. Is there any Promised word need to be claimed from Passage?

g. Is there any instruction need to follow from passage?

4. Memorize passage of the Word of God. No one is ever too old to memorize the word of God. Write verse on pocket dairy with the reference on one side and the verse on other side. Carry these dairy with you and review them while you’re waiting for a Train, Standing in lunch line etc. A small pocket Bible will also help you to review this passage when you have spare moments. One of the best ways is to spend a few minutes every night before going to sleep. So, subconscious mind gets help through God’s word. (Ps.119:11).

5. Obey God’s word.” Paul said at 2 Timothy 3:16- All scripture is given by inspiration of God’s Power“.


Family Bible Study

Nothing is more important in a Christian home than the family alter. At a convenient time when all members of the family are at home, father or mother should lead in Worship of God and in reading Bible. A simple program for family worship includes singing a hymn, an opening prayer by a family, a brief Bible Study, and a concluding period of prayer in which all members take part.

The family alters and Bible study binds the family together, foster deeper love, and enables each member to become stronger in mind and heart, better Christian. Since family Bible study usually includes small children, it is wise to avoid deep, difficult topic and study something of interest and help to all. Like Bible biographies, stories of miracles and deeds of Jesus.

Here are several practical hints on how to make family Bible reading

  • a.       Keep your family Bible study reasonably short.
  • b.      Let each member read a verse.
  • c.       Appoint one family member to lead in worship each day and select the passage to read.
  • d.      Read through a Bible book, a chapter or a several paragraph each day “reading together”.After reading the passage, allow each member in the family to explain one verse or one paragraph.
  • e.        Let the Leader prepare few Questions from passage and ask the own-preferred answer.
  • f.       After the Bible reading, Let each member tells the deep meaning of verse or how word of God can be applied to personal life.

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